Thursday, August 11, 2011

Moonlight Witch~Spookytimejingles update

It always come around so fast and it's almost the 13th of the month and that means new goodies on Spookytimejingles! It' hard to believe that Halloween is only 3 months away. I can legally decorate at my house on the 1st of September (according to my husband). This new witch sculpture took on a life of her own and she is just loaded with details and a few new things I tried for the first time. Here's a few pictures and I hope you will drop by at midnight (Eastern time) on the 12th/13th and check out my witch and all the other wonderful treasures to be had. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love this witch. She has so much character. You've brought her to life. Scary....

  2. Thank you so much. You are always so kind to comment!
